by | Apr 4, 2023 | NEWSLETTERS
In this Newsletter: New horse tracker app Body protector stats Book winners Childcare checklist Leadership candidates announced DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT, CONCERN OR COMPLIMENT? PROVIDE PONY CLUB AUSTRALIA WITH YOUR FEEDBACK. TELL US WHAT WE ARE DOING...
by | Mar 2, 2023 | NEWSLETTERS
In this Newsletter: New Look Nationals Rugging quiz Win a horse book Why do we have a Code of Conduct? Start coaching – webinar DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT, CONCERN OR COMPLIMENT? PROVIDE PONY CLUB AUSTRALIA WITH YOUR FEEDBACK. TELL US WHAT WE ARE...
by | Feb 2, 2023 | NEWSLETTERS
In this Newsletter: New Year, New Sport National Gear Rules update What Happens in a Pony Race? Itchy tails Does Your Property have a PIC? DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT, CONCERN OR COMPLIMENT? PROVIDE PONY CLUB AUSTRALIA WITH YOUR FEEDBACK. TELL US...