Pony Club Australia is proud to announce a significant advancement in our educational offerings. We have successfully mapped our proficiency standards with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and now offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) towards numerous VET-approved courses. This achievement opens new pathways for our members, allowing them to convert their PCA skills into formal qualifications.
Pathways to Nationally Recognised Qualifications
Our proficiency standards align with VET Certificate levels, starting from Level 1 through to Level 4, and advancing to Diploma. The PCA syllabus can provide RPL for a variety of courses, including:
- Racing
- Agriculture
- Equine Studies
- Horse Breeding
- Equine Dentistry
- Community Services
- Diploma of Sport
- Diploma of Equine Management
These pathways enable our members to pursue formal education and career opportunities in their areas of interest, leveraging their PCA experience and knowledge.
New Memorandum of Understanding with TASC
In May, we were delighted to announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PCA and the Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC). This agreement signifies a major step forward in recognising PCA qualifications within Tasmania’s educational framework.
As part of the MOU, PCA will issue the following qualifications to Tasmanian learners, which are recognised by TASC and contribute towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education’s Participation and Achievement Standard upon successful completion:
- Pony Club Australia Leadership Certificate
- Pony Club Australia B Certificate
- Pony Club Australia C* or K Certificate
- Pony Club Australia C Certificate
We would like to extend our gratitude to the PCA Educational Development Committee for their dedication and hard work in achieving this milestone. Special thanks go to Elizabeth Stanfield and former PCA CEO Catherine Ainsworth for their extensive efforts in VET mapping proficiency certificate standards. Their contributions have been instrumental in securing this important recognition of PCA qualifications.
At A Glance | Where PCA Proficiency Certificates Can Take You: