Marketing Made Easy for Your Club!

Tools to help promote and market your club.

Why is marketing so important for our clubs, members and associations?

Well, marketing is the single most important factor for growing an organisation, attracting sponsors and building a member base.

This page holds the key to social media success, writing the perfect press release and how to utilise your tracking and reporting analytics and so much more! 


You have made your way to ‘Marketing Made Easy’ toolkit specifically designed for our Pony Clubs®!

We have prepared these easy to use tools and they will be available whenever you need them! 

Simply click on the relevant tab below to discover all the tools to assist you in promoting your Pony Club to your broader community, and encourage new signups and potentially new sponsors.

Now go, master your marketing strategy/activity and get your socials rolling out. Good luck, and if you have any questions, queries or insights, do not hesitate to reach out to Pony Club Australia at


‘Marketing 101’ tools help to guide you through marketing activities. Also, there is a how-to guide for tracking and reporting analytics focused on your social media accounts. These are important, as they are going to inform you as to what is working and what is not! 


Looking to increase your social media knowledge? Explore these how-to guides, tips & tricks and a selection of documents to assist you in raising the online presence of your club or centre.

We appreciate not everyone is across social media. We thought these step by step videos might help you. Watch these videos to set up your social media account.


Do you need some templates to guide you through the sponsorship process? We have you covered.

Below you will see a template for the initial sponsorship proposal. If you would like a link to the Canva app to edit this to suit your Club, email us.

Canva is a free design program that is easy to use.

You will also find a sponsorship checklist to ensure you have all of the major elements covered. Don’t forget to review your event to ensure you have any new ideas or could review the approach for future events.


Now, this section is invaluable to success. Here you will find information to assist you prepare for an Open Day information, infographics, email examples and resources to help you promote your club or event. 

Download the following by clicking on the link:

Open the file to edit

    There are videos showcasing Pony Club activities, hosted on the Pony Club Australia Youtube channel.  You could add these to your emails or share the links to your social media accounts.

    Video 1 Centre Riding Club

    Video 2 Centre Riding Club

    Video 3 Pony Club

    Video 4 Pony Club


    Is something interesting happening at your club you are looking to promote? Work through these tools as guides to writing the perfect release and pitching it to the RIGHT media outlets. Pitching to the media is an art form that can be mastered easily if you follow these steps!


    A website is an essential tool in your club’s marketing/communications strategy.  Websites work for you 24/7 promoting, informing, celebrating, storing and selling!  JustGo offer website solutions which work with the JustGo membership database.  For more information see the presentation below.

    JustGo Website Presentation