Managing worms in Spring

Managing worms in Spring

Spring is the time for new life. But Spring isn’t all ducklings and foals: worms use the warm, wet weather (especially in southern states) as a key time to reproduce. The most common worms in horses are strongyle nematodes. These have a simple lifecycle (Fig 1), and...


Laminitis is one of the most painful conditions for horses and one of the most distressing and frustrating conditions facing veterinarians, farriers and horse owners.   Laminitis is an inflammation of the deep structures of the foot. The developmental phase lasts from...
Bot flies, be gone!

Bot flies, be gone!

Bot flies are a common annoyance for horses throughout summer and autumn. In Australia, there are three species of bot fly, all within the genus Gasterophilus: G. intestinalis, G. nasalis and less common, G. haemorrhoidalis. Each species is slightly different in...
Sensory Abilities of Horses

Sensory Abilities of Horses

Sensory Abilities of Horses Whilst sometimes it is hard to make sense of horses, they have 5 senses like us.  A recent scientific study has summarised current evidence of how horses experience the world around them [1]. Both humans and horses can see, hear, smell,...