Peyton Lee’s Inspiring Tetrathlon Journey

North Dorrigo Pony Club’s Peyton Lee has had an exciting tetrathlon journey, demonstrating that anyone who sets their mind to something can achieve it if they are prepared to put in the work. Over the Christmas period in 2020, Peyton saw a YouTube video of a...
Ranvet Continues PCA Awards Sponsorship

Ranvet Continues PCA Awards Sponsorship

We’re thrilled to announce that Ranvet is continuing its sponsorship of the PCA Annual Awards, coming up in October. This year, they are sponsoring the category “Best Achievement by a Rider aged 13-17 years.” Ranvet are experts in equine nutrition,...
Dominance Patterns in Horses

Dominance Patterns in Horses

Today, we’re discussing the fascinating topic of dominance patterns in horses. The social dynamics of horses are intricate and reveal unique dominance patterns among individuals. While the idea of a strict dominance hierarchy has been popular, recent insights...
Safely Navigating Unfamiliar Horses

Safely Navigating Unfamiliar Horses

Whether you’re buying a new horse or assisting a less experienced friend, riding unfamiliar horses can be a daunting task. At Pony Club Australia, we believe in prioritising safety and adopting a systematic approach to ensure a positive experience. Here’s a...