Welcome to the Pony Club Australia Academy Certificates!

The Pony Club Australia Syllabus of Instruction is built on certificate levels that enable the rider to continuously develop their skills in riding, horse care and citizenship. Members are encouraged to move through the certificates at their own pace, but in the following order:

  • The E Certificate is optional, but recommended.
  • The D, D*, C and B Certificates are pre-requisites for the following certificates.
  • The C Certificate is recommended as the baseline for all members and will ensure that the rider has a good foundation of skill, safety and horsemanship.
  • Candidates can progress from C to B via either the C* or the K Certificate.
Certificate E

Certificate E

Certificate E is the first of the Pony Club Australia Certificates, and it will introduce you to the syllabus of learning all about horses.

Certificate D

Certificate D

Certificate D builds on the information you learned in Certificate E. That is to help you remember them and move on to the next step.

Certificate D*

Certificate D*

Certificate D* will help you improve your riding skills. You’ll also find out how your horse learns and how to look after him in the best possible way. Good riders never stop learning so don’t be afraid to ask questions or for extra help. 

Certificate C

Certificate C

You have now progressed to Certificate C. Here you will gain more knowledge of horse behaviour and learning, as well as some extra knowledge of handling, riding and caring for your horse.